"Don't make decisions when you're angry and Don't make promises when you're happy."
According to this great man whom we don't know in reality, We are not suppose to make promises in happiness because we might regret after knowing that we promised more than what we can deliver. Same goes for decisions, we might find them too senile and irrelevant.
You might find this Quote interesting and useful but it has very less to do with what I want to convey, so Please get over it already!!
This is a known and admired fact that reading, writing and staying up to update with what is happening in your surroundings makes you rational and undoubtedly an egg headed, and that isn't a bad thing. But somehow this fact doesn't go well with our Pakistani Society. I believe we are more inclined to conspiracies rather than rational facts and this doesn't come by birth. This is the lesson we learn, instead let me say, this is deliberately taught to us!!
Having an opinion is a healthy practice and is never thought to be a Bad thing. But for no good reason our society is pretty much Opinionated to a disastrous level and I suppose we can call it a bad thing here, Opinions based on False ideas, Moulded facts, Utter lies and Personal assumptions. The theory of '180 billion leaders' very much fits in here!

This doesn't seem good but it remains a reality that a particular mind set influences masses and spreads disinformation which tend to effect the people with less knowledge and more passion. Blaming them is of no use here, but then again I repeat having an opinion based on someone's lies and false assumptions is not going to pay any Good. The people who spread disinformation and create conspiracies don't believe in Ideology of Pakistan or Islam instead they've their own Slogan: "Pakistan ka Matlab kya? Jo Kujh milay Jaib ich Paa."
...(To be continued)